On Monday, the White House issued new guidelines designed to slow the increasingly rapid spread of coronavirus. In sum, they are asking nearly every American to stay home from work or school for the next fifteen days; saying essentially, America “is closed for business” In almost every aspect of daily life.  In some major cities, bars and restaurants have been told to close or only serve take out.

President Trump stated that the country “may be” headed into recession as businesses are forced to lay off millions of workers. Mr. Trump said the outbreak could last into the summer, perhaps as long as August. 

More than 4,300 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the U.S. and at least 80 have died. Globally, the death toll was just over 7,100 on Monday, with the weekend seeing an alarming spike in fatalities in three European nations grappling with aggressive outbreaks. While more than 181,000 people have caught the virus around the world, almost half have already recovered, and the vast majority of cases remain mild.

Coronavirus updates: Death toll surges, schools close and a warning – CDC says no large gatherings for 8 weeks

Via www.statesman.com
